Our Corps parades (meets to train) each Thursday night at Mewata Armouries. Parade times are 6:15 to 9:30 PM. Each Cadet is expected to arrive at Corps functions on time. If for some reason, a cadet will be late or is unable to attend that evening’s parade, the cadet or his/her parent/guardian is asked to call the Corps office (403) 263-1796 or their section commander and leave a message so the Corps staff will know OR fill out the Absence Report Form (found under Top Cadet Resources on the right-hand-side menu). Up-to-date information on Corps activities can be found on the Corps blog – click on Blog from the top menu.

Every Cadet is expected to wear his/her appropriate uniform to each parade night or field training exercise (FTX) unless they receive special instructions to the contrary. Some of the following answers address questions about our uniforms, training and field training exercises. More detailed information on our uniforms can be found in the “2137 RCACC Orders of Dress” document located under the “Top Cadet Resources” section in the left sidebar.