The following is a brief overview of the uniforms issued to our Highland Army Cadet Corps. More detailed information can be found in our “Orders of Dress” manual found under Top Cadet Resources in the right-hand side menu.
Ceremonial/Routine Training Uniform (DEUs) and Cadet Field Training Uniforms (FTUs)
After a new Cadet recruit returns all his/her required paperwork (signed with required supporting documents) to join, he/she officially becomes a Cadet. After the Cadet has paraded about 4 weeks in a row, they are issued their DEUs and a short time later, their FTUs. The Cadet will be instructed in the proper way of wearing and caring for both his/her DEUs and FTUs.

Highland Uniform
Our corps is affiliated with the Infantry Reserve unit, the Calgary Highlanders, and as such, we are given permission by their Commanding Officer to wear Highland kit and accoutrements. Before a cadet is issued any Highland kit, cadets must EARN the right to wear these pieces.

Cadets are issued their Highland uniforms and kit in two phases. In phase one, a new Cadet recruit earns his/her right to wear the Calgary Highlanders Glengarry headdress and Calgary Highlanders Regimental Cap Badge after demonstrating (a) their knowledge of the “Battle of St. Julien’s Wood” by passing the “Glen Test,” (b) their ability to perform basic drill movements, and (c) their dedication to taking care for and properly wearing their DEUs and FTUs to the high standards demanded by the Corps Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) or Company Sergeant Major (CSM). The RSM/CSM will document such entitlement in the Cadet’s training file. The Glengarry with Cap Badge is presented to the Cadet in front of the entire Corps at a Commanding Officer’s (CO’s) Parade.

The second phase takes place when a Cadet has successfully earned Cadet Sergeant (C/Sgt) rank and has demonstrated his/her knowledge of the “Battle of Walcheren Causeway” to the RSM/CSM by passing the “Kilt Test.” The RSM/CSM documents the entitlement in the Cadet’s training file; kilt and associated Highland kit and accoutrements are issued, and the Cadet is instructed in the proper way to wear and care for their Highland kit.
Pipes and Drums Uniforms, Instruments and Kit
When a Cadet joins the Pipes and Drums Band, they are entitled to be kitted with the uniform as outlined above (C/Sgt status is NOT required) and are assigned an instrument. They are still required to demonstrate their knowledge of the “Battle of St. Julien’s Wood” and the “Battle of Walcheren Causeway” by passing the “Glen Test” and the “Kilt Test.” As with other items of Cadet apparel, they will be instructed in the proper way to wear and care for these pieces of kit.

General Notes
All uniforms and kit are issued to Cadets as previously explained, subject to availability. If an item is not in stock in our Clothing Stores, we order it. Delivery can take as long as six weeks. Should a Cadet outgrow or wear out a uniform, he/she should simply return it our Stores Officer for replacement. If T-shirts and socks need replacing, these can be reissued by our Corps Stores Officer. Uniforms and other pieces of equipment are issued to the Cadet for the period of their training with our Corps. Cadets are responsible for these items and will be required to replace or pay for any items that are not returned to the 2137 Corps Stores Officer at the end of such training. Given the high cost of all the uniforms we issue, returning your uniforms when you leave our Corps is really important. While the following table gives you some idea of the Highland Cadet Uniform replacement costs involved, it doesn’t highlight the difficulties of simply obtaining some of the items of Highland kit.
Tam O’Shanter | $ 100 |
Glengarry | $ 120 |
Regimental cap badge | $ 30 |
Kilt, government #2 | $ 1000 |
Belt, web, black | $ 5 |
Keepers | $ 5 |
Buckle | $ 8 |
Leather purse sporran | $ 90 |
Horse hair sporran | $ 150 |
Lovat hose | $ 50 |
Red & white diced half hose | $ 150 |
Garter flashes, red | $ 15 |
Total Replacement Cost | $1653 |