Want to get involved with the cadet program, but not necessarily become an officer with the Canadian Armed Forces? There are many ways you can help out either as a Civilian Instructor or a Civilian Volunteer! A Civilian Instructor (CI) provides training and administrative support to the corps. They are paid part-time employees of the Department of National Defence (DND) and as such there is an employment contract that CIs sign that is issued by the Regional Cadet Support Unit (NorthWest). A Civilian Volunteer (CV) also provides training and administrative support to the corps, but are unpaid volunteers. There is an employment agreement between the CV and the corps. Both of these positions requires you get a PRC/VSS (Police Records Check/Vulnerable Sector Screening). We will need a recent (within the last 6 months) original copy. CVs can get a letter through the Army Cadet League of Canada to have their police check completed free of charge. Come in and speak with the Commanding Officer to get more information on the process!

Here are some specific ways you can help:

- Assist with organizing and teaching on our regular training night
- Come out on field training exercises and assist the staff
- Help coach or mentor our various optional training activities
- Speak to a group of cadets on a specific skill that complements their existing training
If you are interested in finding out more, please contact the Commanding Officer at 2137army@cadets.gc.ca.