Objective To provide practical and financial support to the Cadet Corps as a source of voluntary resource persons to assist with corps projects and fund raising activities. It is also a forum where parents can receive information about the Corps and where the Commanding Officer can maintain regular contact with the parents of the Cadets.
Meeting Times
Meetings are typically held on the third Thursday of the month (excluding holidays) through MS Teams or Google Meets. An email will be sent out to all the parents with details on when the next meeting will be. Any questions can be directed to any of the emails below.
Contacting the Unit Support Group
General Inquiries: 2137pac@gmail.com
Chair: 2137chair@gmail.com
Vice Chair: 2137vicechair@gmail.com
Treasurer: 2137treasurer@gmail.com
Snail Mail
801 11 St SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2C4