The Commanding Officer, Officers, Staff and Cadets of 2137 Calgary Highlanders Army Cadet Corps invite family, alumni (staff, volunteers, parents and cadets) to attend the Annual Ceremonial Review and Cadet Change of Appointments. The ACR is very much like a graduation ceremony/parade.  This is the big parade that marks the end of another successful training year.  You have all worked hard and this is your chance to show off to your family and friends what you have been working on and why you are part of this great organization.  

Our Reviewing Officer will be LCol Andrew Beauchamp, Commanding Officer of the Calgary Highlanders.

Annual Inspection will commence at 1915 hours on Thursday 1 June 2023 at Mewata Armouries. Please be seated by 1900 hours. Dress attire for the ceremony shall be as follows:

Military Members: 1A (Medals)
Cadet Members:  C1
Civilian Members: Business Formal

We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible!