We are one of 5 Army Cadet Corps in Calgary and part of the greater Canadian Cadet Organization. The cadet program is geared towards youth between the ages of 12 – 19 and focuses on developing active and responsible citizens, while building life and work skills. We are affiliated with the Calgary Highlanders, a Canadian Army Primary Reserve Infantry Regiment, who are based out of Mewata Armouries, as are we.
We meet once a week from September to June. Currently, we are offering a virtual training program due to the public health measures in place. Each evening will cover various topics including leadership, citizenship, outdoor survival, physical fitness, public speaking and many more!
This is an incredible program that will teach you skills that can be applied to sports teams, extra-curricular activities, and work. You will make life-long friends and experience opportunities to challenge yourself, while having fun and learning something new! Come find out how this can make an enormous positive impact on your life!